3 min readMay 10, 2020


“What on earth is the fuss around…This is suppose to be a short life and what have we made out of it…!

As if, there were no less worries that the Corona virus invades us…”

The 24/7 unending fearsome news about the damning virus has definitely taken its toll on all of us…for now, the poor humans..

It was yet another lazy winter morning when I gazed out of my large framed window…seeing over the the beautiful hills of Margalla..of which I’m never tired of looking at .

Today, it was something different about them…they were looking picture-perfect in the backdrop of beautiful clouds — creating a soothing hue.

Would it be just another day?

I thought while sifting through my disturbed shades of mind. I decided to go for a quick stroll and climbed on one of the mountain trails nearby my abode. I wanted to see if there were some changes brought in the ecosystem in the past few weeks.

I changed into tracks, grabbed a hot cup of coffee to freshen up , made some sandwiches and excitedly started off for the trail.

It was early in the morning and effects of lock-down were evident everywhere. The winter breeze was cool but fresh. The Wood peckers were busy with the trees and oddly would look around for any humans and Cuckoos were calling the humans….in the sweetest of melodies.

I sensed that they got excited once they saw me…the sweet melody only increased. After all, even if we humans have not…but nature’s other species have surely learnt to co-exist with us.

The familiar trail was devoid of any human presence but I did see a group of monkeys around, eagerly looking at me, to feed them, which I generously did with peanuts and some fruit which I had taken along.

The monkeys were quite friendly and climbed merrily on the branches of the trees along the trail. They seem to miss…the humans.

Oh my God..!

there was a pair of fox and a family of wild boars too, anxiously waiting for any human…I had to alter my course, for safety reasons..of course.

The sun was getting higher now, making the majestically hill even more beautiful. I came across some village people who warned me about the cougar family, they had spotted last night . I guess, the wilds had started to reclaim their territory!

The ascending was quiet as I was alone. I could feel the nature into me, literally.

We have, probably, forgotten that we are part of this nature and not the only inhabitants. The water springs on the way, were flowing with peace and smoothness….I did hear the fish in it saying that they miss us…the ambitious humans.

The top of the hill was nearing now…Before reaching the summit, I looked behind me. The beautiful scenic town was…still…sleeping and desperately waiting ….for that…kiss of life…!!




Writer | Digital Marketer | Entrepreneur /