2 min readJun 10, 2021

A strange-looking statue…or a living being?

ps: worth 2 million dollars.

You know a person with a ‘cool’ personality in a desi-family. And I being a part of a brown family have my grandmother labelled as a ‘cool’ personality. Katy, my little brother Gabe and I decided to make our Sunday a Fun-day, by hanging out with our grandmother and grabbing the trollies for shopping.

Now, going to a mall on a Sunday means a hustle-bustle road and a no-space-left parking lot. Anyhow, after a lot of hurdles, we made it to the mall. We entered the outlet of Adidas. I normally don’t pay a second’s attention to a dummy, but the statue near the girl's section made a place in my mind and kept knocking on the door.

After a minute or two, the thought of the strange-looking statue became so dominant that I had no choice other than to look carefully at it. The statue or a woman, I couldn’t decide, wore a sack looking cloth. It or she had reddish-brown eyes and a pointed nose, which might help a person burst a balloon.

A broom was all that was needed to complete a witch’s ‘costume’ that I assumed, it was .

“I wonder since when and why Adidas decided to sell such horrible looking costumes” I whispered in my grandma’s ear. She giggled.

Around, we reached back home ‘safely’ after all the drivers going crazy in the Sunday traffic. And, at, every member of the family sat in front of the television to be aware of the current affairs.

BREAKING NEWS* a shiver ran through my spine after hearing the news which said that in the outlet of Adidas a ‘spy’ dressed like a wicked woman has been caught in the security camera and later by someone who is rewarded 2 MILLION DOLLARS.

I mean-xtyshughgusdjgd

Yeah, I couldn’t understand what just happened, like the word above.

At first, I paid no attention to the strange dressed old woman because little did I know that she was worth 2 MILLION DOLLARS! I could’ve been rich, but now I was broke because of duh shopping.

However, at least now it’s clear that it wasn’t a statue, but a human being.

ps: worth 2 million dollars.


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